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  • Writer's pictureKatie

How I got started

Hi. I'm Katie. I'm about to tell you something that may or may not blow your mind. I'm a witch. Well, not fully. I'm studying the witching ways. While I was researching, something dawned on me. I'm Christian and I'm confirmed to the church! I found out that it is okay to be a witch and Christian! Phew! Now let me tell you about witches.

Witches are real. Some of them are in the Wicca religion! Witches have been around for hundreds of years. Now, real witches aren't like Harry Potter. We cast charms doing rituals. I've only done two, both making a witches ladder, and when I start doing it, this weird feeling comes over me. My heart doesn't hurt but it just... I don't know. As soon as I stop the charm, it goes away. I'm almost 13 but I haven't told my parents. Someday I will... I just don't feel ready to. I will bring you along in my journey with the art of witchcraft!

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Next you will need to learn the moon phases and write them down. I added a drawing with it! You can google a picture of it as an example. First I will tell you how to make a Witches Ladder. It is the

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